Teeth that are naturally missing because they did not grow (hypodontia) is a priority condition for the NHS. This means in most cases, the main treatment is funded by the NHS.
In the future you might need dental treatment to keep your teeth healthy. This can be NHS or private treatment and often there is a cost to you for this. Future dental treatment can include:
Cleaning by a dentist or hygienist
To keep your teeth and gums healthy
Repair or replacement of dental work
For example, white fillings or false teeth
New orthodontic retainers
To keep your teeth straight and the spaces closed
Factors affecting funding for dental treatment
There are different factors that might affect the treatments available. When the dental team are checking your teeth, they will tell you whether they find anything else important that will affect you.
If the dental team recommend that you wait to start dental treatment, this will not change whether you need to pay for treatment. Waiting for dental treatment is recommended based on clinical factors. It is not related to funding.
How many teeth you’re missing
If there are other options for replacing your missing teeth
Local services and commissioning